Who should you invite to your wedding?
The answer may seem simple, but once you realize how many people you know, the it becomes a little more complicated. The answer can be found by deciding what type of wedding you are planning to have.
First, take into account your budget. If you have a limited budget, like many brides do, you will most likely have no choice but to shave the guest list. Perhaps you'd rather have a more intimate affair if it means you can afford the specialized cocktail menu you've been dreaming about. Maybe you'd rather have more guests to celebrate with and forego certain other aspects of the wedding. It all comes down to personal preference!
Aside from budget issues, it can be super easy to cave into the pressure to invite people you know, but don't necessarily want to share your big day with. Figure out how important it is to stand your ground with these possible guests. You may decide there is no harm in inviting a distant great aunt who you haven't seen in years, but a cousin who you could run into at the grocery store may not make the list because you but heads with them.
Are you questioning including plus ones? Consider this- at larger weddings where there are guests who may not know other people well (or at all,) these guests will feel pretty lonely and awkward if they don't have someone to enjoy the night with. At smaller weddings, not including a plus one is considered more acceptable. If money is the issue and you have to nix the plus ones, do your best to craft a seating chart where those guests who don't know many people will at least be seated with others who have similar interests and personalities. That way your reserved coworker from 6 years ago isn't seated next to the party animal friend from college!
Remember that you and your partner are planning what is likely to be the biggest and most memorable celebrations of our lives- it is completely acceptable to be assertive and firm in your guest list decisions!